No Dry Turkey

13609_027Dr. Bordenave shares a tip to getting a nice, juicy turkey breast: cook it upside down. An hour prior to it being done, turn it over so it can brown. The juices from the darker meat trickle down and keep the breast moist – no need for gravy.

Airport Scanner Exposure

Our life is full of exposure to hazards to our health and well-being, from the chemicals found in our personal grooming products, sometimes in our food, and all around us in our environment. We are also exposed to common forms of electromagnetic radiation such as what we get from Wi-Fi signals and airport body scanners.

-Electromagnetic fields emanate from cell phones, Wi-Fi and other electronic devices. Continual exposure to electromagnetic radiation affects our wellness, causing what has been termed as Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and occurs when certain symptoms appear such as headaches, fatigue, trouble concentrating, short-term memory problems, insomnia, skin rashes, tinnitus, nausea and dizziness, and perhaps others.

However, research to date has not established any clear-cut scientific evidence demonstrating that electromagnetic fields are directly responsible for any of these adverse affects on our wellness, including cancer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) EHS has “no clear diagnostic criteria and there is no scientific basis to link EHS symptoms to electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure. Further, EHS is not a medical diagnosis, nor is it clear that it represents a single medical problem. Some say that ongoing research may eventually demonstrate a scientific basis for EHS, but we’re not there yet.

Radiation is Found Everywhere in Our Environment

While panic mounts worldwide about exposure to radiation coming from the Japanese power plant plumes, an immediate source of radiation has some concerned: full-body airport scanners. Some experts have worried about this radiation from the start.

There has been much controversy and debate over the use of full-body X-ray scanners at U.S. airports. How risky are they to our health and well-being? What do we know about radiation exposure and how much is too much?

 Exposure is Constant

Our bodies are continually exposed to small amounts of radiation. Radiation is found everywhere in our environment. Uranium, thorium and radium emit it naturally from the earth’s soil. We find radiation in heat, light and microwaves, this type of exposure is generally not considered a health concern. As a matter of fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 80 percent of human exposure comes from the earth’s natural resources, only 20 percent is manufactured: mainly form X-rays.

The overall consensus in the scientific community is that these everyday exposures are not harmful. However, what about the future of full-body scanning at airports?

Molecular-Level Full-body Scanners

According to a report by, the government has subcontracted, through the Department of Homeland Security, with Genia Photonics, a company that has acquired 30 patents relating to molecular-level scanners ­ machines that will be capable of scanning every single molecule in your body. It is reportedly 10 million times faster and a million times more sensitive than the scanners currently in use by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and at our ports of entry. Perhaps we need to question whether airport security would really need this kind of full-body scanning equipment. The prospect of radiation exposure on a molecular-level has to raise many questions regarding the affects of this on the body. scanner line

A single full-body scanning with current devices in use, according to the manufacturers, involves exposure to 10 micrograms of radiation, an insignificant amount, if it is correct. Your cumulative amount of exposure from 30 hours of air travel is equal to that of a single chest X-ray.

Testing Shows Levels to be Below Standards

Last year, the scanners underwent more than 700 inspections with all tests showing the radiation levels below standards used by their manufacturer and the TSA, according to a USA TODAY review of the recently released reports. The first report, from David A. Schauer, who directs the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, is that he thinks that risks are minimal. We are exposed to much more radiation during routine medical exams. Then again, if we think of frequent fliers, getting a medical exam 3 or 4 times a week is hardly likely. You are free to decline its use and settle for the patting down by security. You are free to choose what you believe is the healthiest for your well-being.

Published by Axiom Health Care Marketing


Keep Your Schedule

scheduleAlthough the holiday season is busy and there are a lot of demands on our time, try to keep to your normal schedule. Maintaining your usual schedule of sleep and exercise will make it easier to return to when the holidays are over.

Staying at Peace

Maintaining an inner peace is just as important to your health and wellness as the food choices you make. Learning to focus your mind on goodness will bring healthy benefits to your life; Peace and wellness are a healthy partnership. Dr. Bordenave suggests that you focus your mind on positive thoughts and you won’t be as inclined to overindulge or over-react. 

OPINION: New AHA/ACC Statin Guidelines

statinsI am greatly concerned with the new statin guidelines recently released by the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology during the yearly Scientific Sessions held in Dallas this November. Guidelines introduced to the public with great fanfare, and covered by all National media outlets.

These guidelines take healthy people and input certain risk factors that include age, body weight, smoking history, family history of heart disease, blood pressure and cholesterol levels to determine future cardiovascular (CV) risk. Those that are found to have a CV risk of 7.5% or greater, in the following 10 years would be candidates for statins. (Statins were first introduced in 1987, and over the years, their use has increased. The annual expenditure in 2000 on statins: $7.7 trillion, by 2007: $20 billion). These medications help reduce the amount of cholesterol and LDL (so-called bad cholesterol) in the blood. It is believed however, that statins work in decreasing heart disease because they decrease the degree of inflammation. An effect is given the name pleotrophic effect.

Under the new guidelines, an additional 31 million people would meet criteria for these drugs. Currently, about 15% of all adults in the U.S. take statins and the new guidelines would double it to around 33%. Generalizing treatment to a wide cross section is of concern, because the likelihood of success or failure of a treatment is not identical in all individuals treated, because therapy is not the only determinant of outcome.


It is this continued reliance and focus on drugs that concerns me. I am also concerned and confused with the frequent changes, recommendations and mixed messages made by the medical establishment. How often do we read a medical “expert” recommending one thing, only to have another “expert” recommend something completely opposite, contraindicating the first expert? In a country with so many “experts,” it’s no wonder why patients (myself included) don’t know who or what to believe.

Are we really so sure we should proceed to double the number of U.S. adults on statins as suggested by the new guidelines? Can we be so sure that the benefits of this class of medicines outweigh the risks? We know that the use of statins short-term has side effects in some patients, but what happens after 10 or 20 years of use?

cholesterolCholesterol is not a villain. The absorption of vitamins and minerals including vitamin D, is dependent on cholesterol, which is why our bodies produce it. Multiple studies have shown that statin users have higher rates of cataract formation, increased muscle pains, increased musculoskeletal injuries, reduced blood levels of vitamin D, reduced levels of CoQ10, just to name a few side effects. Most importantly, statins may worsen and possibly cause diabetes. Nevertheless, in one of the ironies we have come to expect from modern medicine, the new AHA/ACC statin guidelines recommend statins for most diabetics.

I have nothing against statins. As a cardiologist, I prescribe statins when needed. What I am against is the indiscriminate use and abuse of not just statins but of all medications and an ever-increasing reliance of medications for everything that ails us.

I will continue to use statins as I do presently. In men younger than 75 years with coronary heart disease, including acute coronary syndrome, chest pain (angina), in those who have had heart surgery (bypass) or stents. People with hereditary hypercholesterolemia should also be considered for statin use. These are the groups that have been shown to get the most benefit from this class of drug. Their use in diabetic women and people with strokes (although current indications) is controversial.

Studies have shown that there is no reason or benefit for the elderly to be on long-term statin treatment. Low cholesterol levels in people over the age of 75, has been associated with decreased cognitive function. Maybe it’s because 25-30% of our brain is made up of cholesterol and cholesterol is essential for many metabolic functions including the production of hormones. However, there are even other medical “experts” who have suggested that it would be a good idea to start giving statins to children.

I find the reliance on medications that have potent side effects to be ongoing failure of the U.S. healthcare system, the costliest healthcare system in the world that only manages a quality and efficiency ranking of 46, behind Iran and ahead of Serbia. It is time to end the “pill for every ill” mentality of disease care synonymous with U.S. health care and make a radical shift back to using common sense and reasoning.

saladInstead of prescribing more drugs, we should be educating and stressing to the general public the importance and need for lifestyle and nutritional change first. The same inflammation and conditions that causes the elevated cholesterol levels that is treated with statins, are caused by and therefore can also be limited and controlled by diet and improved nutrition.

I find it interesting that the dietary advice of 40 years ago, which stressed the importance of eating minimally processed foods, avoidance of artificial sweeteners, selection of meats from organically raised animals and not industrially produced variety, went directly against the recommendations of the experts of that time.

I’ll continue to individualize treatment, educating my patients on the importance of food, exercise and lifestyle and prescribing drugs only when appropriate. I doubt future studies will find anything contradictory with this approach.

Jorge Bordenave, MD FACP ABIHM
Coral Gables, Florida (11-15-2013)
Integrative Cardiologist
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine FIU
Cardiology Lecturer IM and FP Residency Program

Published by Axiom Health Care Marketing


Cooler Weather

tai chiThe cooler weather often brings arthritis aches and pains. Dr. Jorge Bordenave at Miami Integrative Medicine can show you natural remedies and exercises to help relieve the effects of this sometimes-debilitating disease. Give us a call today.


tipsThanksgiving brings a veritable cornucopia of foods to the dining table. However, that doesn’t mean that the celebration means that you have to eat unhealthy foods. Dr. Bordenave suggests making good food choices and staying away from fatty, heavy foods and those with little nutritional value. Take a look at our November newsletter; we hope you will enjoy reading it.

Best of Both Worlds

JB chartWhen modern medicine and traditional medicine are used together to treat a patient, the patient benefits from both methods, and it produces better results. Contact Dr. Bordenave’s office and see how the partnership can benefit you.