Exploring Aromatherapy

The practice of integrated medicine involves the use of a wide variety of approaches and treatments to help tap into the body’s own healing power to cure disease and promote optimum wellness. In recent years, one therapeutic approach that has been gaining popularity is the practice of aromatherapy, a form of alternative medicine that employs aromatic oils derived from plants to heal, improve mood and cognitive functioning, and promote relaxation. The oils may be diffused into the air, breathed directly by the patient, or applied topically as part of a massage or bath, for example.


aroma2Tapping Nature’s Essence

The oils used in aromatherapy, called essential oils, are extracted directly from plants either by steaming or pressing. Steam distillation, or steaming, is the most commonly used method for extracting essential oils. It involves steaming fresh plants until they decompose, producing oils that are then separated, cooled, and filtered to remove water and other impurities. Pressing, also called expression, involves crushing the plant and squeezing out the oils, in much the same way olive oil is produced. Dozens of different plant oils are used in aromatherapy. Some of the more well-known include chamomile, eucalyptus, tea tree, and lavender.


Aromatherapy Through the Ages

Physicians have known about the existence of essential oils for millennia. The first century AD Roman physician Padanium Dioscorides described a number of essential oils and contemporary beliefs about their therapeutic properties is his work De Materia Medica. Dioscorides’ work became the foundation of European knowledge about plant-based medicine until the advent of more scientific investigations in the 1800s. Another early precursor of aromatherapy was the great Arabic scientist and philosopher Ibn Sina, known in the West as Avicenna. In the early 11th century, Avicenna used the newly-invented process of distillation to produce essential oils for the first time. Until that time, all essential oils were produced by expressing.


Although aromatherapy had been practiced popularly for centuries, the scientific medical community was slow to recognize it as a legitimate treatment. The first appearance of the word “aromatherapy” in print did not occur until the 1937 publication of the book Aromathérapie: Les Huiles Essentielles, Hormones Végétales. The author, a French chemist by the name of René-Maurice Gattefossé, claimed to have successfully treated his badly burnt hand using lavender oil. Just a few years later another Frenchman, surgeon Jean Valnet, used essential oils as antiseptics to treat wounded Allied soldiers in World War II.


Benefits of Aromatherapy

Different essential oils are credited with different benefits and healing properties. Stress and anxiety reduction are two of the most popular applications of aromatherapy. Chamomile, jasmine, lavender, lemon and peppermint oils are commonly used for this purpose in aromatherapy. Controlled research supports the stress reducing and mood enhancing properties of lemon oil. Lavender oil is also used to treat wounds, particularly burns, and as an antiseptic ointment. Tea tree oil and thyme oil are two other popular antiseptics.


The exact mechanisms by which aromatherapy operates are not known, but it is thought that the aromas of the essential oils exert an influence on the limbic system, that portion of the brain that regulates emotions. Essential oils are also believed to have a direct pharmacological action on the body. Valnet’s successful application of essential oils as an antiseptic have been supported by more recent studies that confirm the oils’ anti-microbial properties. In addition, preliminary clinical studies of aromatherapy combined with other approaches have shown positive effects in reducing anxiety and improving mood.



There are several safety concerns associated with the use of essential oils. Essential oils are highly concentrated, so if not diluted they can cause skin irritation. For this reason, topically-applied oils are diluted in a “carrier” oil such as olive, coconut, or jojoba oil to protect the skin. One must also be careful not to ingest essential oils. Many are toxic, even at quite low doses. Swallowing even a small amount of eucalyptus oil, for example, can be fatal. Other essential oils that should not be taken internally include cedar, hyssop, and sage. In addition, some oils can have adverse reactions with prescription medicines. Be sure to consult with your physician before using any essential oil if you are also taking prescription or over-counter medications or if you are pregnant.


If you are in the Miami area and would like to get more information about aromatherapy or other aspects of integrative medicine, contact Dr. Jorge Bordenave at (305) 446-2444. Let Dr. Bordenave show you how a holistic approach to health that deals with the mind, body, and spirit, can help you achieve total wellness. Call us today to get on the path to optimum health!


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Slow and Steady for Health

If you are looking for the benefits of an 2005-04-18-leafy-sea-dragon-tai-chi-2exercise program that doesn’t involve running, weightlifting, or intense aerobics, look into tai-chi. The slow and controlled movements of this Chinese martial art have been shown to amazing health benefits and can burn as many calories as skiing. This article can help you learn more about this ancient form of exercise and discipline:


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Achieving Supreme, Ultimate Health

You likely have seen photos or video from China showing large groups in people exercising in public places. The exercise consists of very slow, controlled movements, almost resembling a ballet or dance choreographed in slow motion. You might be surprised to find that this exercise – practiced widely by all ages, even the quite elderly – is an ancient martial art.  Known as t’ai chi ch’uan, but usually referred to in English simply as tai chi, it has become one of the most popular forms of exercise among the Chinese. In recent years, its popularity has spread worldwide and tai chi is now practiced around the world.taichi

What is Tai Chi?

“T’ai chi ch’uan” can be expressed several ways in English, including “supreme ultimate fist” “supreme ultimate boxing” or “great extremes boxing”.  Not only a fighting technique, tai chi also is practiced as a demonstration art form, for health reasons, and to increase longevity. There are several forms of tai chi training, depending upon the goal of the practitioner. Traditional tai chi training involves five elements:

  • Taolu – Solo exercises using hands, feet, and weapons
  • Shanshou – Self-defense routines
  • Tuishou – Responses and reactions to opponents’ movements
  • Neigong – Breathing and meditation
  • Qigong – Awareness and control of breathing and movement

The slow, controlled public exercises one sees in China are an example of qigong. Not all tai chi exercise is slow, however. The most widely practiced styles of tai chi all feature a faster set of exercises and movements in addition to their slowly paced movement routines.

Origins and HistoryYingYang_7

The origins of tai chi are a subject of dispute, finding popular mythology at odds with the historical record. Tradition holds that the art was invented by an alchemist named Zhang San Feng sometime between 900 and 1300 A.D. However, this name does not appear in any written Chinese records until the late 1600s A.D. The earliest written source that claims Zhang San Feng originated tai chi is dated anther 200 years later. A later edition of this same source, however, asserts that the identity of the originator of tai chi is unknown. In fact, before the mid-1800s, the art form did not even have a name and was practiced by a relative handful of individuals.

Tai chi remained a rather obscure martial art until several Chinese martial arts masters began to tout its health benefits in the early 1900s. They and their students helped spread the art to a much wider circle of participants throughout China. During the 1920s the Chinese military adopted tai chi as part of its standard fitness training, although this involved the faster moving martial form of the art. Tai chi later spread into Chinese civilian life with the development of slow-movement forms of the art. Greater Chinese openness to the West beginning in the 1990s and early 2000s exposed a much wider audience to tai chi, and the practice is now more popular than ever.

Health Benefits of Tai Chi

Traditional Chinese medical practitioners have long claimed that tai chi is effective in promoting health and combating a number of chronic conditions. Modern western experimental studies have confirmed many of these claims. Not surprisingly, research has shown that tai chi helps promote greater balance and flexibility and reduce the risk of falls in elderly individuals. However, many people are startled to learn that tai chi burns more calories than surfing and almost as much as downhill skiing. A program of tai chi paired with yoga has even been shown to reduce levels of LDL, or “bad” cholesterol. Other studies have shown the potential for tai chi to boost immune function in response to certain viruses.

A number of studies also have linked tai chi to pain relief. A 2008 study from Tufts University found that tai chi provided better pain relief than regular stretching exercises for elderly patients with severe osteoarthritis of the knee. A study published in the 2010 New England Journal of Medicine found that tai chi provided similar pain reliving benefits for a group of patients suffering from fibromyalgia.

Slow-Motion Stress Controlbloodpressuretest

Proponents of tai chi cite stress-reduction as a principal benefit of the art, and recent medical studies support their beliefs. A 2010 U.S. government review of seven large-scale studies of tai chi concluded that it “significantly increased psychological well-being including reduction of stress, anxiety, and depression, and enhanced mood in community-dwelling healthy participants and in patients with chronic conditions.” Other studies have suggested that tai chi may help regulate production of hormones that affect mood and heart rate.

One of the most appealing aspects of tai chi is that any reasonably healthy individual can participate and share in its benefits. The extremely low impact nature of tai chi, along with its slow and controlled movements, allows people of any age and many different physical conditions to take part. As the studies cited early demonstrate, you don’t need to become a triathlete, marathoner, or “extreme” athlete to lose weight, get fit, and improve your physical and mental well-being. Practicing tai chi can help you achieve all of these goals in a way that fits your life situation.

2005-04-18-leafy-sea-dragon-tai-chi-2Find Out More About Tai Chi

If you are interested in learning more about tai chi or taking it up actively, it’s best to start by talking with someone experienced in the art form. In South Florida, Dr. Jorge Bordenave includes tai chi as part of a multifaceted, integrated approach to health care and maintenance that deals with the health of the body, mind, and spirit. Contact Dr. Bordenave today to find out how this ancient fighting form can help YOU return to fighting form as well.

Posted by Axiom Health Care Marketing


Super Summer Eating

blueberries_on_plantGood health starts with a good diet. Check out this article to learn about foods that are not only good for you, they’re actually super:


Posted by: Axiom Health Care Marketing

Holistic Approaches to Health

Mind Body MedicineMind-body medicine combines modern knowledge and ancient practices to improve health and boost well-being. Check out the following article to learn about this powerful tool:


Posted by: Axiom Health Care Marketing

Tired? Suffering? Try Acupuncture

If you’ve tried conventional treatments for pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, or headache without success, consider acupuncture. Read about how this ancient practice can help improve your health and well-being:


What Makes a Food “Super”?

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You’ve probably seen quite a few stories in the media in recent years about the health benefits of a group a foods that some people have labeled as “superfoods.” But just what makes a food “super,” and which foods really deserve this label? And how do the positive attributes of these “superfoods” help contribute to good health and longer life?

In fact, while many researchers recognize the benefits of many of the so-called superfoods, the term has no specific medical, scientific, or legal definition. In general, however, superfoods tend to be low in calories while being high in many essential vitamins and nutrients. Many are excellent sources of antioxidants, which are believed to contribute to the prevention of chronic illnesses including cancer and heart disease. Other superfoods have anti-inflammatory properties, which can be helpful in preventing conditions such as cancer, arthritis, and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Superfoods have been credited with helping to prevent three of the most debilitating diseases affecting the U.S. population – cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Lets look at each of these diseases and see how superfoods work to prevent them, as well as which foods are considered the most “super” in terms of their beneficial effects.


Claims for the cancer-fighting properties of superfoods center around two key compounds – antioxidants and phytochemicals. Antioxidants have been credited with inhibiting the production of free radicals, highly reactive chemical agents that can cause damage to cells that may result in cancer. Common antioxidants found in many superfoods include beta-carotene, vitamin C, and lycopene. Phytochemicals are naturally-occurring compounds found in plants. According to researcher Jed Fahey of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, studies have shown that phytochemicals have the potential to protect cells from damage and mutation that lead to cancer. There are literally hundreds of phytochemicals found in a wide variety of plant foods.


Superfoods identified as particularly powerful cancer prevention agents include broccoli, spinach, berries, tomatoes, and carrots. A review of nutrition studies conducted by the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research found that broccoli and all kinds of berries can protect against cancer of the mouth, esophagus, and stomach. A study by the National Institutes of Health showed that spinach also acts a preventive agent against those cancers. Lycopene, a substance found in abundance in tomatoes, has been show in laboratory tests to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in breast and lung tissue.

Heart Disease

The antioxidant properties of superfoods are also considered to help reduce the risk of heart disease, and some of the foods on the list of cancer-preventing agents are also among those thought to be best at preventing heart disease. For example, the antioxidant anthocyanin that is found in blueberries, is thought to reduce the accumulation of LDL cholesterol (or “bad” cholesterol) that can clog arteries and contribute to heart attacks and stroke. Spinach is another cancer-fighting superfood that does double-duty against heart disease.  In addition to antioxidants, spinach contains omega-3 fatty acids that prevent blood platelets from clumping together to form clots or buildup on the walls of arteries. It also contains folate that helps reduce the level homocysteine, an amino acid linked to the development of cardiovascular disease. Two other superfoods high in omega-3 fatty acids are salmon and soy protein, both of which are high on the American Heart Association’s list of heart-healthy foods.


The American Diabetes Association has compiled a list of superfoods that help prevent this debilitating disease. One thing all of them have in common is a low glycemic index, or GI, which measures the rise of blood sugar (glucose) after consuming a particular food. Foods with a low GI help maintain healthier levels of glucose, which can help in preventing Type 2 diabetes.

Some old friends among the superfoods that help prevent cancer and heart disease are also on the ADA’s list of diabetes fighters. These include spinach, tomatoes, berries and salmon. Whole grains, which are loaded with nutrients including folate and omega-3 fatty acids, are also recommended by the ADA. Other superfoods highly recommended by the ADA include nuts, sweet potatoes, and citrus fruit such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruit.


American Diabetes Association: http://www.diabetes.org/food-and-fitness/food/what-can-i-eat/diabetes-superfoods.html

Maeda N, Matsuraba K, Yoshida H, Mizushina Y. Anti-cancer effect of spinach glycoglycerolipids as angiogenesis inhibitors based on the selective inhibition of DNA polymerase activity. Mini Rev Med Chem. 2011 Jan;11(1):32-8.

World Cancer Research Fund / American Institute for Cancer Research (2007) Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective. Project Report. The American Institute for Cancer Research, Washington, DC.

What’s So Super About Superfoods?


You’ve probably heard about “superfoods,” but what are they and what makes them “super”? Check out this article, which discusses 3 “superfoods” and how they contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

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The “Bs” Have It: Three Superfoods for Overall Health

In recent years, nutritional researchers have made significant progress in identifying the substances in our diets that promote health and those that undermine it. The knowledge they have gathered has given us a greater understanding of which foods do the most to promote overall health and wellness, and how those foods exert their beneficial effects.

Three foods that share the label “superfoods” for their positive influence on many aspects of health, also share the same first letter: B – bananas, blueberries, and beets.  Research has identified multiple health benefits from all three of these foods from lowering blood pressure to preventing heart disease to helping detoxify carcinogens in the body.


Bananas for Stress

Feeling stressed after a hard day at work? Don’t have a cocktail, eat a banana! Bananas are very high in potassium, which works to lower blood pressure, while being very low in sodium, which raises blood pressure. In fact, banana producers in the United States now may legally claim that their product reduces blood pressure and lowers the risk of stroke. High blood pressure is also one of the leading contributors to heart disease, so the benefits of bananas extend to the heart as well.

Bananas also have proven to be especially beneficial for kidney health. While a large body of research has indicated that eating fresh fruits promotes kidney function, the fruit that seem to offer the greatest protection against kidney cancer is the banana. A study reported in the January 2005 issue of the International Journal of Cancer found that women who ate four to six bananas per week had half the risk of kidney cancer as women who did not eat bananas.


Blueberries for Aging

Many of us worry about the natural effects of aging and look for ways to try to look and feel as young as possible. Few of us probably realize that having a handful of blueberries every day can help you do just that. Blueberries contain compounds called anthocyanins that research has shown may offer protection from oxidative stress, which underlies virtually all disorders commonly linked to aging – cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease to name just a few.

In 2006 the journal Neurobiological Aging published studies conducted at Tufts University in Massachusetts that indicated a diet supplemented with blueberries actually reversed age-related decline in the region of the brain associated with memory formation and storage. More recently, researchers at the University of Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center found that blueberries added to the diet of mice reduced the effects of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.


Beets to Fight Inflammation

The third of the “superfoods” contains a wide range of compounds that promote optimal health and help fight the chronic effects of aging. Research reveals that beets have particularly powerful antioxidant properties, which aid in repairing cellular damage. They have also been shown to fight chronic inflammation, which is linked to a wide range of diseases associated with aging including heart disease, atherosclerosis, and Type 2 diabetes. The fact that beets show both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects means that a diet rich in beets is highly likely to have a positive effect on reducing the risk of cancer.

Adding fiber to the diet is recognized as an excellent way to promote colon and digestive health, and beet fiber seems to be particularly helpful in this regard.  Both beets and another root vegetable, carrots, contain pectin polysaccharides, substances that significantly increase these foods’ total fiber content. As a result, they may provide benefits above and beyond other vegetables in terms of promoting digestion and reducing the risk of colon cancer.

All Over-the-Counter

Perhaps the best part is that all of these super disease fighters are completely natural and readily available in any market. You don’t need a prescription to obtain them and there are no special instructions for taking them – just eat them regularly and in moderation for optimal health benefits. Of course, any time you consider a change in diet it is best to see a professional who can offer you advice on how to get the greatest benefit out of such a move. A specialist in integrative medicine in as excellent choice because he or she can help you incorporate diet as one part of a fully integrated and healthy lifestyle.


Bobek P, Galbavy S, Mariassyova M. The effect of red beet (Beta vulgaris var. rubra) fiber on alimentary hypercholesterolemia and chemically induced colon carcinogenesis in rats. Nahrung 2000 Jun;44(3):184-7. 2000.

Clarke, JD, Riedl K, Bella D, Schwartz SJ, Stevens JF, Ho E. Comparison of Isothiocyanate Metabolite Levels and Histone Deacetylase Activity in Human Subjects Consuming Broccoli Sprouts or Broccoli Supplement. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011; 110930085450000 DOI: 10.1021/jf202887c

Elbandy MA and Abdelfadeil MG. Stability of betalain pigments from a red beetroot (Beta vulgaris). Poster Session Presentation. The First International Conference of Food Industries and Biotechnology & Associated Fair. Al-Baath University, North Sinai, Egypt. Available online at: www.albaath univ.edu.sy/foodex2010/connections/ Posters/6.pdf. 2010.

Galli RL, Bielinski DF, Szprengiel A, Shukitt-Hale B, Joseph JA. Neurobiol Aging. 2006 Feb;27(2):344-50. “Blueberry supplemented diet reverses age-related decline in hippocampal HSP70 neuroprotection.” Neuroscience Laboratory, USDA-ARS Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, 711 Washington St., Boston, MA 02111, USA.

Lee CH, Wettasinghe M, Bolling BW et al. Betalains, phase II enzyme-inducing components from red beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) extracts. Nutr Cancer. 2005;53(1):91-103. 2005.

Rashidkhani B, Lindblad P, and Wolk, A. Fruits, vegetables and risk of renal cell carcinoma: A prospective study of Swedish women. International Journal of Cancer. 2005 Jan; 113 (3): 451-55.

Wu X, Kang J, Xie C, Burris R, Ferguson ME, Badger TM, Nagarajan S. USDA Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR 72202, USA. J Nutr. 2010 Sep;140(9):1628-32. Epub 2010 Jul 21. “Dietary blueberries attenuate atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice by upregulating antioxidant enzyme expression.”

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Integrated Medicine: The Importance of Nutrition and Overall Health

According to WebMD, integrative medicine can be summed up as a “whole-person approach — designed to treat the person, not just the disease.”[i] In fact, while there might be some nonconventional medical therapies used within the integrative medicine approach, the main tenant of integrative health is to implement therapies, both conventional and alternative, to heal the mind, body and spirit. Simply defined integrative medicine takes Western medicine and complements it with natural and alternative treatments including herbal medicine, yoga, stress reduction strategies, massage and acupuncture. Miami Integrative Medicine works with every patient, every day to deliver the most complementary medicine. [i]

Integrative medicine improves overall health because it focuses on a comprehensive approach to health from head to toe. When a health problem is discovered, rather than looking at it from a completely medical perspective, it considers all factors that may have contributed to the condition. Factors include how the mind-body connection can directly influence the performance of the body’s immune system.[i] Taking a comprehensive look at one’s emotional, spiritual and physical health, with an emphasis on the relationship between patient and practitioner, integrative medicine looks for all causes and all cures.

Nutrition is a cornerstone of integrative medicine and thus should be followed to promote optimal health. As part of a maintaining one’s spiritual and mental health, nutrition is another way to complement one’s integrative medicine treatment. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, eating a diet based on integrative medicine principles can both prevent and treat cancer. Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, in as many colors as possible, are some concrete recommendations to prevent and treat cancer. Cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli have a natural chemotherapy type compound. Berries are loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients. Generally speaking, Dr. Weil believes that along with the fruits, vegetables and berries, eating nuts, whole grains, and cold-water fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids is the best way to complement an approach to integrative medicine.[ii]

Dr. Andrew Weil, consistent with the integrative medicine approach, believes nutrition can only go so far. Hence, there is a need for the complementary approach found with integrative medicine. He believes that a lot of physicians do not spend enough time with their patients going over prevention methods and how to live a healthier life. Since the traditional-only medical community focuses on the causation and fix formula, integrative medicine can provide a hybrid traditional and holistic approach to staying well. Therefore along with eating a wide variety of minimally processed organic foods[iii] and the need for physicians to spend more time educating their patients, found in integrative medicine, Dr. Weil believes following the integrative medicine formula is a good start.[ii]

Proper nutrition can be accomplished by eating foods, but also by nourishing the mind and spirit. Those suffering from serious diseases, including cancer, along with their traditional forms of treatment, receive treatment for the mind, body and soul. As WebMD puts it, “As she puts it, the service is designed to ‘deal with everything but the tumor.’ That means helping patients with stress, pain, and anxiety, as well as providing them with ways to manage symptoms and increase their sense of well-being.”[iv]  The services the patient receives include message, acupuncture, music, nutrition, supplement counseling, meditation, self-hypnosis and much more. The patient became intrigued by it and noticed her pain, stress and anxiety were markedly reduced because her treatment focused on her cancer and her entire body, mind and soul. Now, tying everything together, one can see that integrative medicine takes a comprehensive survey of sicknesses and treats them with not just on approach, but a multi-prong approach.

Dr. Jorge Bordenave practices Integrative, Preventive & Clinical Cardiology.
He is NOAA / UHMS Certified Dive Medical Examiner, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, FIU Medical College and Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Nova Southeastern University.

Dr. Bordenave’s practice is located at:

 4908 SW 8 street, Coral Gables, Fl. 33134.

They are open Monday thru Friday 9am to 5pm.

Phone: 305.446.2444

Website: www.miamiintegrativemedicine.com


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  1. Kam, Katherine. What Is Integrative Medicine? April 16, 2009. http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/features/alternative-medicine-integrative-medicine, Accessed October 24 2012.
  2. Lowering Cancer Risk. http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/ART03061/Preventing-Cancer-With-Integrative-Medicine.html, Accessed October 24, 2012.
  3. Health and Healing in the Dr. Weil Tradition. http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/PAG00110/Dr-Weil-Like-Minded-Practitioners.html, Accessed October 24, 2012.
  4. Kam, Katherine. Integrative Medication: A Patient’s View. 10 Marc 2006. http://www.webmd.com/balance/features/integrative-medicine-patients-view, Accessed October 24, 2012.